Ice Cream Factory Visit

13 of us went for our ice cream treat last evening (30 May) to...

We were split into two groups.
One group went off to make their batch of ice cream while the rest of us were given a large ice cream sundae of our choice with all the toppings you could eat...!
We then changed over and the other group had their treat while we made our batch.
Both groups used different flavouring and colour.
Raspberry split in the colour blue and Strawberry and Rhubarb in green.
We all went home with a large carton filled to the brim with the ice cream that we created.
A most enjoyable summer evening.


After these were delivered to Northampton General Hospital it took the total to...

May Meeting

This was very well attended as we had a Speaker from WI House and the topics discussed were taken from the 2017 Resolutions



Another delivery of Twiddlemuffs for Northampton Gen Hospital who were, one again, most grateful.
This now takes the total delivered to them to...  THIRTY SEVEN...!!!

Bluebell Walk

A few members of our WI recently joined with members of Harpole WI for a round walk from their village to see groups of Bluebells.
The walk lasted approx one hour and we returned to the Village Hall where we enjoyed a very welcome cup of tea and cupcakes.